Education and training
Doctor Giacomo Aringhieri graduate in Medicine and Surgery from University of Pisa in 2011. He holds the European Diploma in Radiology from European Board of Radiology, EBR – European Society of Radiology, ESR in 2017. Doctor Aringhieri holds the Medical Radiology Postgraduate Degree from University of Pisa in 2017 with a thesis on “The Added Value of Diffusion Weigthed Imaging (DWI) in Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of Uterine Cervical Cancer”.
Work experience
- 2017-onwards Radiologist at the Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitatia Pisana working on CT, MR, US and conventional radiology acquiring and reporting;
- 2017-2019 Research fellow at Physics Department of the University of Pisa for the “Radioma” (IOnizing RADiation in Mammography) research project. He work on the research on radioprotection in mammography and breast tomosynthesis
- 2018-2019 Researcher at IMAGO7 Foundation (IRCCS Stella Maris), a consortium for scientific research in the field of magnetic resonance (MR) at ultra-high static field (7 Tesla) for the “ID 39 INAIL – PAR 2016-2018” research project. He work on evaluation and prediction of SAR at 7Tesla in the human knee and on the effects of the presence of knee prosthesis on SAR distribution and estimation.
- 2019-onwards Research Assistant at the University of Pisa.
- giacomo.aringhieri@unipi.it
- UO Radiodiagnostica 1, Building 18A St. Chiara Hospital